Some Earth Observations

I used to believe that the Earth is a spinning sphere, but it is no longer possible to go on believing that. On the 8th of February 2018, th...

Nikola Tesla's Secret Space-Time Experiment

Main content 💧 Information about Tesla's time travel is actually space travel 💧 Secrets of Time, Stealth Technology, Teleportation The...

Nikola Tesla's Secrets of the Universe

Too many secrets of Nikola Tesla were stolen after his death. President Trump's uncle John George Trump, a professor at the Massachusett...

Diesel Fuel Generator with Low RPM

Main content: ✔  Diesel fuel generator ✔  List to choose the best low RPM generator with Diesel fuel ✔  Low RPM generator with "Rotatin...

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Permanent Magnets and Electricity

 “What one man calls God, another calls the laws of physics.”

― Nikola Tesla

Causality, Electromagnetic Induction, and Gravitation

Top 6 Magnetic Generators
